All Her Might
Day 10, April 13
ever so slight.
with all her might.
The sea sings
The wind rings
When we will make it,
I do not know.
But I will sit
in faith in the sea.
Who can say they own the wild places of the Earth?
Who can say they rule the sea?
This wild, mighty ocean has no laws
no rules
no owner.
She runs free–her currents navigating the globe.
Her winds blowing at will.
Her life knows no boundaries.
So why do we–those who need to dominate and claim power–why do we try to tame Her
knowing she can never be tame?
If only I could be like the gulls.
They fly far from land,
soaring over the sea–
up and down,
dashing in and out of the water.
Their wings a part of the wind.
The wind a part of them.
Here I sit,
in the safety of the wheelhouse
during a Squall.
Waves crashing,
snow falling,
wind picking up speed
and the gulls–
the gulls, they dance.
In and out of the waves
against and with the wind.
Wings spread—
their movements, a work of art.
She lulls me back to the darkness of my mind.
There I sit– waiting to be rescued.
My thoughts have turned against me.
My body aches from the rocking.
My heart longs for the comforts of home,
the embrace of my love.
Does she know her effect?
Does she mean to lure me into despair?
Or is she telling me of her own despair?
Is she reminding me of mine so I can begin to
understand hers?
Her waves hit the boat with vehemence.
I suppose we had it coming.
We react to her with violence,
our games of dominance,
conquering, power.
We become cruel.
We disconnect to our relation–
our kinship with one another.
We cause irrevocable harm to our home
as we rejoice in our trivial gains.
Of course she curses us,
resists us.
And yet,
she still calls to me.
She calls
to Us
to understand,
to witness
Day 11, April 14
The dolphins are swimming alongside our ship.
Every so often, they jump up in a seemingly
orchestrated leap. There is so much joy in their
So much play.
The dolphins are teaching me about life.